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Monthly Archives: October 2019

Our Eco-Friendly Sports Bottle

activ-R eco-friendly water bottle

You may have read our previous blog post on the importance of eco-friendly corporate merchandise, where we explained the importance of changing to eco-friendly merchandise, and our environmentally friendly range here at i4c Publicity. 

In this blog post we will delve deeper into our Eco-friendly sports bottles and how they are a better alternative to other plastic options. 

Plastic Water Bottle History

Water bottles are something that most of use day to day, not only for outdoor or gym exercises, but if you work in an office then you probably have a water bottle to drink. 

However, the majority of water bottles that are available on the market are currently made out of plastic, that although can be recycled, a large amount of it still ends up in landfills. 

An Eco-Friendly Alternative

Our Activ-R water bottle is made from Sugar Cane Ethanol. This is a sustainable product that has zero impact on the Amazon rainforest and food chain, and the Ethanol also reduces greenhouse gas emissions by up to 90% compared to conventional fuels – further helping to make a more sustainable world. 

The bottle can also be recycled at the end of its life through normal channels, to be remade into something else. This means that you can use your water bottle without the fear that it is damaging the environment and the world that we live in. 

If you would like to find out more information on our eco-friendly products, then please contact our friendly team now. 

5 Types of Simple Promotional Merchandise That Make an Impact   

Getting your promotional merchandise campaign right can be tricky, and you will need to decide which products to give away. There are lots of great promotional merchandise ideas out there, but you need to choose the one best suited for your business and campaign message. 

We’ve come up with a list of brandable products that may get high retention levels to get the best out of your campaign. 

Promotional Merchandise Items That Work 

1. Keyrings 

Keyrings are a common form of merchandise, which although can make it hard to stand out from the rest, can be a handy item to have your branding on. What’s more, to stand out from the crowd you could invest in bottle opener keyrings – something that people find useful and will want to have. With keyrings being carried around with you all of the time, the likelihood of people seeing you logo everyday is high – which will mean that you will stay in the forefront of their mind. 

2. Pens 

Pens are an everyday essential, and is one of the most simple forms of promotional merchandise. Pens leave a lasting impression, with them being kept, used and seen often – meaning your brand can really get out into the wider audience. As well as adding your logo to pens, you can also add a little information – such as slogan or contact details. 

3. Memory Sticks 

In a world of technology, memory sticks are a handy piece of merchandise that customers will love. Memory sticks are a useful device across all industries, and research shows that USB Memory Sticks offer over 700 impressions in their lifetime – which is a great advertising opportunity for you! 

4. Travel Mugs 

With the environment being big on everybody’s minds, and coffee shops now offering a discounted price on coffee when you use a reusable mug, travel mugs are a great promotional item. They are a great companion for the morning commute, meaning not only does the individual see your branding – but so do many others. Travel Mugs are a great way to get maximum exposure, whilst adding value to the customer and the environment around them – reflecting well on your business.

5. Umbrellas 

If you like in the UK, then the likelihood is that you have an umbrella in your bag or car at all times. So what better way to spread the awareness of your brand than with promotional umbrellas. Branding an umbrella with your logo will create a walking advertisement for your business, with a small upfront cost. 

There are many other promotional merchandise items, such as notebooks, wristbands and t-shirts, but you need to choose your items carefully – to see what suits your customers best to get that high exposure and make your money back. Not sure on which promotional items your business should choose? Give our friendly team a call now and get our expert advice.


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