Leading supplier of custom pin badges, custom ties and promotional items
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Why Reward Employees with Medals, Coins, Award Badges & Incentives?

Three Award badges in silver, gold and nickel

Motivated employees, members and even students can be a major factor in the success and performance of any organisation, therefore it is important that managers, coaches and teachers understand the power of reward systems and how they can be used to influence and enhance individual behaviour. A strategic reward system is important for motivation, recognition and appreciation, it gives that extra touch to the management-employee / student relationship and helps gain trust and longevity towards the organisation.

Below are a few ways in which you can show your appreciation:

Custom Medals and Coins

Bespoke presentation medals and coins make individuals feel like winners! It gives them something physical to remember their hard work and achievements and also is a lovely momentum to show off to their co-workers, friends and family of course.

Award Badges

Achievement and Award Badges are a wonderful way to celebrate success and long service or contributions from individuals. Award Badges can come in various sizes and finishes customised with your logo. The customisation helps to distinguish between different levels of achievement and helps individuals aim for the next level.


Exciting incentives such as gift vouchers, movie tickets, shopping vouchers etc will not only lift spirits,  but also motivate individuals to work harder.  Extra holidays for employees in particular with long service years motivates them to continue working harder and provide continued loyalty to the company.  Offering flexible working hours to employees gives them more work-life balance, greater job satisfaction and improves their performance.

If you are looking for ideas to reward employees, members or students, look no further, we can help create bespoke badges and medals for you.

Get in contact with i4c Publicity Ltd on 024 7666 744  or email us for a FREE no-obligation quote.

About i4c Publicity Ltd
We are one of the leading manufacturing personalised award badges and award medals since 2000. We have been supplying a range of clients in the education, charity, corporate, private and public sectors.

Our Award badges come in various finishes such as Gold / Gilt, Silver / Nickel, Bronze / Antique Copper, Black Nickel, Antique Silver and Custom Finish

We can also offer various fittings for award badges such as Brooch Fitting, Clutch pin fitting, Stick pin fitting, Magnetic badges, Adhesive backing, key chain fitting, tie slides, cufflinks / T-Bar fitting etc.

Our most popular custom Medals are the bronze, silver and gold range customised with your logo or the long service Award Medals.

Read our blog: Using Award Badges in Education – Tips for Teachers

Using Fridge Magnets to promote your business – They always work!

Fridge Magnets are one of the cheap and effective methods to capture and retain customers. If you haven’t already thought about investing in promotional fridge magnets, this is the time! Below are some of the facts that will make you rethink about your marketing strategy using cost effective and quirky Fridge Magnets.

How to use custom, personalised Fridge magnets for your business

Promotional Fridge Magnets

Easy and effective targeting

With other methods of marketing such as leaflets or mailing list there is always a chance that it does not reach the right audience or no one really even looks at it.  But when Fridge Magnets are handed out, it’s almost certain that it would be used, even if it’s to prop up that take -away menu or the recent holiday picture.

Amazing value

Fridge Magnets can leave a lasting memory on the mind. Studies suggest that the average person opens their fridge 15-20 times a day! That’s a lot of exposure when measured over a few months to years! Repeat exposure leaves a sense of familiarity, trust and brand consciousness. The next time the customer is looking for products or services you provide, you’ll be the first company that comes to his mind.

Magnets are useful

Almost everyone uses Fridge Magnets as they can be used to attach notes, documents, pictures and serves as a showcase of everyday life.

Modern day business cards

Magnets serve as a handy business card, all of your contact details can be on the Fridge Magnet for the customer to contact you.

Easy to customise and cost effective to manufacture

With numerous shapes, sizes, colours and materials available, it is not only easy to customise Fridge Magnets but also to stand out from competitors with quirky and colourful designs. They are inexpensive to manufacture and fit into every budget.

Easy to distribute

You can give away your promotional Fridge Magnets to customers at events, pack into orders or hand out when you to meet them. They are so easy to distribute, target right people and make a lasting impression!

It’s time-tested!

Personalised Fridge Magnets are the easiest way to get what customer wants from promotional merchandising in a very short span of time. By creating a repetition, it serves as an effective time-tested reference.

So what are you waiting for?!

Order your bespoke fridge magnets now!

About i4c Publicity Ltd:
We are one of the leading providers of high-quality promotional items such as fridge magnets, ties, badges, key chains , wristbands and more!

If you are looking for bespoke personalised Fridge Magnets to promote your business, look no further!

Call us now on 024 7666 7440 or email us for a no obligation FREE quote.

Source: Ps Print & 1Print

The Power of Gifting!

gifting, promotional merchandise, custom, personalised

Have a read of our infographic to show the power of gifting.

Our Brain Loves Shopping!

  • Research has proven that shopping and gifting produces our body’s natural feel-good chemical called endorphins
  • Researchers at the UK’s Brunel University suggest that shopping is associated with increased activity in the prefrontal cortex, a part of the brain that has been linked to pleasure and positive thinking
  • Anything new boosts serotonin, which neurotransmitter chemical responsible for happiness
  • The brainstream is an ancient part of our brain hard-wired to mistrust strangers, gifting can override this part and disarm the evolutionary impulse to guard resources at the sight of strangers

History of Gifting!

Ancient Egyptians – Ancient Egyptians gave gifts to kings to win personal favours or form new alliances.

Roman Innovation – Gifting in Roman times extended the concept beyond war and politics. Gifts were used to celebrate Saturnalia, an early form of Christmas. common gifts were evergreen branches and sweet cakes.

Birth of Birthday! (1400-1500) – Like many traditions in Europe, gifts and birthday parties began as a nice way to ward off evil spirits.

Victorian Christmas – The most cherished gifts were handmade objects, needlework or something useful.

Story of Gifting in Marketing!

Coca-cola gives the world a coke – Back in 1887, coca-cola used free samples to launch their “sparkling beverage”. Customers could redeem small pieces of paper and claim their free bottle of coke from the pharmacy counter.

How Santa got his first job in retail – In 1870, Macy’s started an american tradition, They hired their first Santa Claus, who listened to children’s wishes and then told parents where to find toys in the store!

Will you accept this free gift – In the 1930s, direct response pioneer Robert Collier sends free fountain pens to doctors. It’s a clever way to earn their trust and up sell them on his $7,95 doctor’s “handbags”. This was a new technique at the time.

How technology makes gifts profitable

A shift to gift marketing – Companies have begun to shift budgets from traditional promotions to promotional merchandise and gifts.

Big Data to rescue – With technology companies can analyse data to predict which customers spent more than the gifted amount. This allows companies to find profitable customers based on their past spending habits.

Our Promotional Product range

i4c Publicity Ltd has a wide variety of promotional merchandise custom made for you! Below are some of the products we can personalise:

Take a look at our Gallery for our designs or our Products Page for list of all our items.

Call us now on 024 7666 7440 for a FREE no-obligation quote.

Alternatively you can email us your design and requirements and we will get in touch with you.

p.s Don’t forget our Price Promise, we guarantee to beat any like for like quote!


World Cancer Awareness Day – Show your support on 4th February!

Cancer Awareness Day, i4c publicity ltd

World Cancer Awareness Day, marked on February 4 aims to raise awareness of cancer and to encourage its prevention, detection, and treatment. World Cancer Day was founded by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC). The primary goal of the World Cancer Day is to significantly reduce illness and death caused by cancer by 2020.

Some Facts:

  • Cancer is the number 2 killer in developed countries and number 1 in underdeveloped countries
  • Currently, 8.2 million people die from cancer worldwide every year! Out of which, 4 million people die at the age between 30 to 69 years
  • Scientific experts worldwide agree that at least half of all cancers and cancer-related deaths are preventable
  • Cancer is the single name assigned to more than 100 diseases. Cancer is a result of abnormal cells that multiply and spread out of control, damaging healthy cells along the way. Most cancers result in tumours but those that affect the blood do not. Cancer can occur in any part of your body.
  • More than 90% of all lung cancer cases are the result of smoking and 22% of all cancer deaths are due to lung cancer from smoking.
  • Sleep deprivation caused by getting less than six hours of sleep per day increases your risk of colon cancer.
  • Every day, more than 175,000 children being diagnosed worldwide each year. Cancer is the number 1 killer disease in children.
  • Nitrates contribute to cancer. Meat such as sausage, hot dogs, and bacon contain a preservative/flavouring agent called nitrates.
    Preparation with high heat and ingestion causes a chemical reaction with the digestive fluids in your body, converting nitrates to nitrites. Nitrates also filter into groundwater from the use of fertiliser.
  • The most common cancer-causing foods are refined sugar and flour, soda, microwave popcorn, food in cans produced with BPA, grilled or processed meat, and hydrogenated oils. Green tea, berries, turmeric, avocados, garlic, kale, and even dark chocolate are just a few that target and destroy cancer cells.

World Cancer Day is the ideal opportunity to spread the word and raise the profile of cancer in people’s minds and in the world’s media.

4th February is an opportunity for as many people as possible to come together and talk about cancer.

We are i4c Publicity Ltd, one of the leading manufacturers of charity pin badges and take this opportunity to supply pin badges to various organisations.

Please call us on 024 7666 7440 or email us for a no obligation FREE quote.

Take a look at our Gallery for our designs or our Products Page for list of all our products.

Call us now on 024 7666 7440 for a FREE no-obligation quote.


History and Evolution of Promotional Merchandise

History, evolution, Promotional Merchandise, custom, personalised

History and evolution of Promotional Merchandise

History and evolution of Promotional Merchandise

Commemorative Coins

The first ever promotional product was the commemorative buttons of the election victory of George Washington in 1789
Today Commemorative coins are die struck and polished giving the medals an extremely high-quality finish.

Button Badges

In 1893, Benjamin S. Whitehead patented the insertion of a sheet of a celluloid transparent film over a photograph mounted on a badge to protect the image from scratches and abrasion.

Another patent was issued to his New Jersey company, Whitehead & Hoag, in 1896 for a “Badge Pin or Button” which used a metal pin anchored to the back of the button to fasten the badge.

Button badges are very versatile and are now used in charities, schools and clubs. They are a simple and low cost way of getting your message out there. They can now be made in various sizes. They come with super safe on the reverse as well.

Key Chains

key chains have been around since the latter part of the 19th century. From its humble beginnings as metal rings or hoops, key chains and key rings have definitely not allowed themselves to be left behind by technology.

Key chains, especially trolley key chains/Trolley tokens have become very popular. Various materials ranging from PVC to metals and finishes have made it a very popular merchandise.


Necktie originated in the 17th century, during the 30 year war in France when King Louis XIII hired Croatian mercenaries wore a piece of cloth around their neck as part of their uniform. Neckties were used to tie the top of their jackets which also had quite a decorative effect.

He liked it so much that he made these ties a mandatory accessory for Royal gatherings, and gave this clothing piece the name “La Cravate” – the name for necktie in French to this day.

Ties have become a fashionable accessory today. There are varieties of materials such as silk and polyester from which ties are made. Logos and designs can be created on the ties. Ties can be a very useful promotional merchandise to Schools, Universities, Corporate, Associations and Clubs.
Tie slides and cufflinks have also gained popularity with increasing demand for ties.

Fridge Magnets

World’s first fridge magnet was invented by William Gladstone Blunt and Emmanuel Shiverofski in 1876. What started as a magnetic advert for trains was transformed into fridge magnets!

Fridge magnets are a very fancy merchandise to have. Most homes have a variety of fridge magnets. Technology has given us the provision to manufacture magnets ranging from PVC to metal finished with intricate enamel and polishing.

Our Promotional Product range

i4c Publicity Ltd has a wide variety of promotional merchandise custom made for you! We are one of the leading providers of high quality promotional merchandise such as custom badges, ties, key chains, medals, trolley coins, cufflinks, tie slides, embroidered badges, scarfs, pennants, fridge magnets, wristbands, shields, plaques, umbrellas and more!

Please call us on 024 7666 7440 or email us for a no obligation FREE quote.

Take a look at our Gallery for our designs or our Products Page for list of all our products.

Call us now on 024 7666 7440 for a FREE no-obligation quote.

Alternatively you can email us your design and requirements and we will get in touch with you.


Using Award Badges in Education – Tips for Teachers

custom school pin badges, personalised pin badges, school badges

School Award Badges

Every School aims at motivating students to do well and get good grades. The common goal for teachers and parents is not only getting their children to get excellent grades but also learning in order to use this knowledge in real life. Achieving this can be turned into a ‘fun mode’ by rewarding students with badges!

Badges are a very innovative way to motivate, cheer and bring the element of competitive spirit into the learning system. Children love to show off the badges they have earned through the process. Children with award badges motivate fellow children to work towards it and earn more badges.

Badges encourage students to try harder and think outside the box. Badges are an attractive reward and who wouldn’t love to be rewarded and given something to wear that shows off their achievement?

Where can I begin?

Teachers can list the targets they want the students to meet and reward them with certain badges!

  1. Specific Targets
    List specific activities you want your students to complete.Once the student is successful in this he will be rewarded with a beautiful badge!
  2. Random Targets
    You can create a few badges for doing something completely random but still in line with the class curriculum. It might be an assignment or a project work. It can be something that helps students to put additional effort to learn the subject.
  3. Exceptional targets
    Apart from the day to day tasks, some targets are hard to accomplish. When a student achieves something extraordinary, another special badge can be awarded. This is an innovative way to push students to work harder and to do things in unconventional ways.

Source: Edudemic

We at i4c Publicity Ltd are pioneers in manufacturing personalised award badges since 2000. We have been supplying a range of clients in the education, charity, corporate, private and public sectors.

Our Award badges can come in various finishes such as

  1. Gold / Gilt
  2. Silver / Nickel
  3. Bronze / Antique Copper
  4. Black Nickel
  5. Antique Silver
  6. Custom Finish

We can also offer various fittings for badges such as Brooch Fitting, Clutch pin fitting, Stick pin fitting, Magnetic badges, Adhesive backing, key chain fitting, tie slides, cufflinks / T-Bar fitting etc.

If you are a School looking for ideas to reward students, look no further! We can help create bespoke badges for you.

Get in contact with i4c Publicity Ltd on 024 7666 7440 for a FREE no-obligation quote.

Alternatively you can email us your design and requirements and we will get in touch with you.

Take a look at our Product Gallery and click here to order your custom award badges!

The New 12-Sided One Pound Coin – Your old Trolley coins will no longer work from Autumn 2017

new pound coin, trolley tokens, trolley coins, keychains

New one pound coins calls for buying new trolley coins/trolley tokens!

Mark the date! Royal Mint is producing 1.5 billions of the new UK £1 coin from March 2017. This is said to be the most secure coin in the world. The existing £1 coin will begin to be withdrawn from circulation.

Approximately one is 30 £1 coins in circulation is counterfeit. For the first time in over 30 years, these coins are being replaced to avoid counterfeiters.

Some of its features are as follows:

  • New design shows the English rose, the Welsh leek, the Scottish thistle and the Northern Irish shamrock emerging from one stem within a royal coronet – created by David Pearce, winner of public design competition at the age of 15.
  • It is 12-sided! its unique shape makes it instantly identifiable, even by touch.
  • It is made of two metals. The outer ring is gold coloured (nickel-brass) and the inner ring is silver coloured (nickel-plated alloy).
  • Latent image – it has a hologram that changes from a ‘£’ symbol to the number ‘1’ when the coin is seen from different angles.

The existing £1 coins will stop being legal tender on October 15, 2017. Is your business ready for this change?
This is the best time to order your custom trolley coins, also known as trolley tokens or trolley keychains.

Order your New Trolley Coins/Trolley Tokens/Trolley Key chains now!

Trolley tokens have been a huge success in the recent years. Unlike other promotional items trolley coins have a fantastic range of daily uses as you can use trolley key chains at supermarkets, gym lockers and for luggage trolleys at the airport. You can personalise both sides of the trolley coins, with your logo, include your telephone number and website on the back of the trolley coins. A custom trolley coin is a constant reminder of the brand and if the design is brilliant, it acts as a piece of fashion wear!

How are the Supermarkets and Vending Machines Coping?

Tesco, one of the biggest supermarket have planned a transition period of just over six months when the old circular pound trolley coins will be still accepted as legal tender.

Sainsbury’s, Morrisons, Lidl and Waitrose are also embracing this change. Currently, their trolleys accept both old and new coins.

The Automatic Vending Association (AVA) estimated that there around half a million vending machines across the UK and that all vending machines will be fully upgraded by October 15.

Are you looking for personalised Trolley Coins/Trolley Tokens/Trolley keychains to promote your business? We can help you!

We work with Schools & Universities, Charities & Fundraising, Corporate, Clubs, Associations, Public Sector, Consumer Brands and Agencies to create bespoke trolley coins/trolley tokens designed for your needs and branding.

We, at i4c Publicity Ltd is one of the leading providers of high quality promotional merchandise such as custom badges, ties, key chains, medals, trolley coins, cufflinks, tie slides, embroidered badges, scarfs, pennants, fridge magnets, wristbands, shields, plaques, umbrellas and more!

Please call us on 024 7666 7440 or email us for a no obligation FREE quote.

Source: The New Pound Coin


Tottenham Hotspur and Royal British Legion have jointly launched a limited edition Poppy pin badge to mark the Remembrance day.

With a minimum of £3 donation, the pin badge will be available for fans to purchase. Funds raised from sale of the pin badges will be donated to the Royal British Legion.

Poppy badges, limited edition, pin badge, remembrance day, royal legion

Tottenham Hotspur and Royal British Legion limited edition Poppy Pin Badge.

The badge is testament to the strength of the on-going relationship between the Club and the Legion. It’s the UK’s leading Service charity, providing practical care, advice and support to serving members of the Armed Forces, veterans of all ages and their families.

How are the Poppy Pin Badges made?

Take a look at this interesting video to find out how poppy pin badges are made!

Why do we wear Poppy Pin Badges?

The poppy is a symbol of respect for those who have died during the First and World War II. It is also for those millions of people affected by war.

Poppies are said to be the first flower to emerge from the freshly-dug graves of dead soldiers on Flanders Fields.
Canadian Doctor John McCrae was the first person to notice. He went on to write the poem In Flanders Fields – recalling the scene. The poem inspired the use of silk poppies as a sign of remembrance.

The poppies are now a symbol of remembrance and hope.

When can you start wearing the Poppy Pin Badge?

Poppies are sold from around October 23, 2016 but most people won’t start wearing it until October 31. It is believed that a poppy should be worn from 11 days before Remembrance Day.
Others meanwhile say that a poppy shouldn’t be worn until after Bonfire Night and Halloween.

Source: Metro, Tottenham Hotspur

Are you looking for personalised pin badges to promote your charity or business? We can help you!

We, at i4c Publicity Ltd is one of the leading providers of high quality promotional merchandise such as custom badges, ties, key chains, medals, trolley coins, cufflinks, tie slides, embroidered badges, scarfs, pennants, fridge magnets, wristbands, shields, plaques, umbrellas and more!

Please call us on 024 7666 7440 or email us for a no obligation FREE quote.

Transport for London to offer ‘Please offer me a seat’ Badges for people with hidden disabilities

Custom transport blue badge with text

There are a lot of people with hidden health conditions travelling everyday in the busy tubes of London. Not many recognise these disabilities and offer them a seat!

Transport for London has come up with an idea to offer “Please offer me a seat” badges in an attempt to help ease their suffering on the busy transport system. This is the first of it’s kind in Europe!

Previously, the Transport for London (TfL) has achieved tremendous success with it’s “Baby on board” badge for pregnant women. TfL has recruited 1,000 people to wear the blue badges from September.

According to Mayor of London Sadiq Khan these badges give confidence to people who find it difficult to stand on the transport.

“Cancer on Board” Badge by James McNaught

45 Year old James McNaught had already started making his own “Cancer on Board” badges to alert fellow passengers to their condition. Radiotherapy on his throat left him unable to speak to ask for a seat, and the morphine made him appear drunk. He has now joined hands in hands with TfL on this badge trial.

Custom Badges, Pin Badges, Lapel Badges

James Mcnaught designed his own badge to raise awareness at tubes

There are a lot of people like James who struggle to express their disability. We hope these badges act as their voice to raise awareness and make the commute more comfortable for everyone.

If you are looking for custom Badges, look no further!

We, at i4c Publicity Ltd is one of the leading providers of high quality promotional merchandise such as custom badges, ties, key chains, medals, trolley coins, cufflinks, tie slides, embroidered badges, scarfs, pennants, fridge magnets, wristbands, shields, plaques, umbrellas and more!

Please call us on 024 7666 7440 or email us for a no obligation FREE quote.

Source: BBC News UK


Colour, Value & Evolution of Logos

Here we have a quality infographic that provides information about how big businesses use colours to affect your emotions and why some of the top logos can be dirt cheap. In this blog about the evolution of logos, learn all about the colour red which is associated with the intensity of blood and fire, the colour blue which is associated with the depth and stability of sky and sea, the colour yellow which is associated with the energy and joy of sunshine, plus lots of other colours and more – Enjoy the infographic and share with your friends.

Colour, Value & Evolution of Logos

Many thanks to the folks at FinancesOnline.com for this quality infographic.

Colour: Profiles and Printing Explained

Have you ever been confused by colour profiles, CMYK, RGB and Pantone? We found this great infographic which simply explains all about colour: profiles and printing techniques. Here at i4c Publicity Ltd we work to the Pantone Matching System (PMS) for all our pin badges, key chains, medals, cufflinks, tie slides and other metal products. This ensures we accurately match colours to your specific brand or logo and you receive a high quality finish everytime.

Colour: Profiles and Printing Explained

Many thanks to the people at The Logo Company for this fantastic piece.

Why You Should Use Badges To Reward Your Pupils

Haydon School Award Badges, school badges, award badges

How do you reward your pupils?

One of the biggest challenges that face teachers, heads and education professionals is producing ways of rewarding pupils and when to offer these rewards.

Finding the right balance between rewarding too often and not rewarding at all can be a difficult task.

One way of acknowledging greatness in a classroom environment is to reward pupils with badges.

A similar alternative is stickers, but the disposable nature of these rewards means they don’t leave as lasting of an impression as badges.

These badges give the child a heightened sense of achievement as this is something they can keep for a long time and is aesthetically more pleasing to the eye than stickers that get creased and crumpled.

When should you give out these badges?

Here are some suggestions:

  • Achieving 100% attendance throughout the school year
  • Producing an exemplary piece of creative work
  • Awarded to mentors or prefects who show consistent leadership qualities
  • Consistently showing teamwork qualities in PE and other classroom-based environments

Instead of giving out these types of reward on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, it gives them more value if they are awarded on an end of term or end of year basis.

Having a ceremony or assembly that brings together the school, and maybe even parents and governors, to give out these rewards will increase the level of pride for the child and give the badge more sentimental value in the future.

We have seen a huge increase in schools contacting us recently for award badges and have a system in place where we can offer the pin badges in a gold, silver, bronze & platinum finish. With our ability to manufacture any shape or size we encourage schools to break away from the traditional rectangle or shield shape badges and be creative by incorporating their school logo onto the pin badge.

If you are interested in using badges as a reward for your pupils, then check out or range of badges here –https://i4cpublicity.co.uk/product/award-badges/ they come in any shape, size or design that you desire!

Are Clip-On-Ties For Schools The Way Forward?

5 grey and burgundy ties for Schools

Health and safety is becoming tighter in all walks of life.

The latest health and safety clampdown is at school level and is seeing the strong emergence of the clip-on-tie.  Traditional school ties are becoming rare, as headmasters up and down the country in both state and public schools seem to be opting for the safer clipped alternative.

With subjects like design and technology that require pupils to operate machinery in workshops, schools are deeming the traditional school tie to be a safety hazard with fears of these ties getting caught in machines.  Schools are becoming so passionate about the issues that there has been cases in the national media where pupils have been excluded for not following these tie guidelines.

With the growing number of academies up and down the country, they promote a smart, traditional image, with other schools promoting a corporate look that will make pupils more at ease in their working lives later on.  Another growing trend in schools is a return to the ‘house’ system, where school uniform ties now have to be matching with the colour of that house so pupils can be differentiated.

At i4c Publicity we have recognised these changing trends in schools and acknowledge that each school has different needs.

We offer all of our ties with the option of standard or clip-on-ties as well as Velcro or elasticated ties too.

We can manufacture a wide range of designs incorporating your school name, logo and design that meet your individual specification.

You can find out more information about our school ties on our website.


Thanks again

i4c Publicity Team

Why choose Charity Badges?

custom pin badges, personalised pin badges, charity pin badges

One of the best ways to advertise your charity is through your very own personalised Charity badge.

Charities have very distinctive logos and are easily recognisable by most of the general public. They can be given to donators and ambassadors who can raise awareness at all times by wearing their badge.

There are many benefits of a Charity having their own badges, both tangible and intangible.

  • It gives the person wearing the badge a sense of pride that they have donated and it can make them appear generous to people around them as they will know they have carried out a charitable act.
  • Badges that carry aesthetically pleasing designs means that people are more likely to wear them repeatedly and raise more awareness for your Charity. If you get the design right, people will pay good money for the right charity pin badge and can add a real fashion value.
  • Badges also carry very sentimental value – if the person wearing it feels very strongly about their chosen charity then badges are even less likely to be disposed of and can be passed down between generations.

The beauty of advertising for charities is that you are totally exempt from VAT when raising awareness for your cause.

 HMRC state that ‘The supply of advertising to a charity is zero-rated. The zero-rating covers advertisements on any subject, including staff recruitment. A charity can also purchase pre-printed collecting boxes, envelopes and appeal letters at the zero rate. Low cost lapel stickers, emblems and badges that a charity gives in acknowledgement of a donation can also be zero-rated.’

So taking all of the benefits into account – a badge is the ideal way of raising awareness for your Charity.

Here at i4c Publicity we make a wide range of Charity badges to suit your needs. We manufacture personalised badges at the shape, size, colour and texture that meet your individual needs.

Simply browse our website for more information on our Charity badges.


Thanks again

i4c Publicity Team

Welcome to the New i4c Publicity Website!

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new website here at i4c Publicity!

Our new online store is more modern, user-friendly and showcases our incredible products better than ever before.

We’d also like to welcome you to our new blog – where you can now catch the latest news here at i4c Publicity regarding our products, offers and much more.

We invite you to have a look around our new website and browse the wide range of products we offer.

From badges to key chains and ties to scarves – we cover all bases when it comes to promotional items that can be completely bespoke to you.

Our new website ensures that you can get to know us properly and know what to expect when trusting us with your custom. The ‘Our Clients’ page highlights the wide range of clients and industries we have worked with previously and also shows what some of our previous customers have to say about us.

The ‘Our Process’ page shows exactly how we operate, and how we can turn your design ideas into a reality using the latest technology to meet the highest standards.

So please, make yourself at home and take a look around – and if you have any questions then do not hesitate to contact us.




i4c Publicity Team

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